Subnetting Functions to use in Excel

' Module: SubNetFunctions
' Author: Tom Willett
' Date: 9/6/2010
' Description:  This is a collection of subneting functions using cidr subnetting in VBA.
' The subnet functions are a cludge because vba does not have an unsigned long.
' All of the functions therefore, use the ascii representation of the binary numbers to do their calculations.
' The functions available are:
' broadcastIP -- given a subnet in cidr format returns the broadcastIP in dotted format
' cidr2mask -- given a cidr returns the equivalent mask
' highestIP -- given a subnet in cidr format returns the highest usable address in dotted format
' lowestIP -- given a subnet in cidr format returns the first usable address in dotted format
' subnetID -- given a subnet in cidr format returns the subnet id in dotted format
' ------ helper functions ----------
' AbinAnd -- binary ands two 8bit ascii binary numbers and returns the ascii binary result
' Bin2Dec -- given a binary number as a string returns the decimal equivalent as a string
' Dec2Bin -- given a decimal number as a string returns the binary equivalent as a string
' ip2long -- given an ip in dotted format returns the long equivalent (actually double)
' long2ip -- given a in represented as a long (actually double) returns the ip in dotted format
Option Explicit

' Bin2Dec
' Parameter BinNum -- binary number as a string
' Return Decimal equivalent as a string
Public Function Bin2Dec(ByVal BinNum As String) As String
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim DecNum As Long
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'  Loop thru BinString
   For i = Len(BinNum) To 1 Step -1
'     Check the string for invalid characters
      If Asc(Mid(BinNum, i, 1)) < 48 Or _
         Asc(Mid(BinNum, i, 1)) > 49 Then
         DecNum = ""
         Err.Raise 1002, "BinToDec", "Invalid Input"
      End If
'     If bit is 1 then raise 2^LoopCount and add it to DecNum
      If Mid(BinNum, i, 1) And 1 Then
         DecNum = DecNum + 2 ^ (Len(BinNum) - i)
      End If
   Next i
'  Return DecNum as a String
   Bin2Dec = CStr(DecNum)
End Function

' Dec2Bin
' Parameter DecNum -- decimal number as a string
' Return -- Binary equivalent of DecNum as a string
Public Function Dec2Bin(ByVal DecNum As String) As String
   Dim BinNum As String
   Dim lDecNum As Long
   Dim i As Integer
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'  Check the string for invalid characters
   For i = 1 To Len(DecNum)
      If Asc(Mid(DecNum, i, 1)) < 48 Or _
         Asc(Mid(DecNum, i, 1)) > 57 Then
         BinNum = ""
         Err.Raise 1010, "DecToBin", "Invalid Input"
      End If
   Next i
   i = 0
   lDecNum = Val(DecNum)
      If lDecNum And 2 ^ i Then
         BinNum = "1" & BinNum
         BinNum = "0" & BinNum
      End If
      i = i + 1
   Loop Until 2 ^ i > lDecNum
'  Return BinNum as a String
   Dec2Bin = BinNum
End Function

' AbinAnd
' Parameters Bin1 and Bin2 are binary numbers represented as strings
' Return A binary number as a string which is the result of doing a binary and of Bin1 and Bin2
Public Function AbinAnd(ByVal bin1 As String, ByVal bin2 As String) As String
    '  This function takes two binary numbers as strings and returns the string representration of the two anded together
    Dim x As Byte
    Dim nBin As String
    nBin = String(8, "0")
    bin1 = Right(nBin & bin1, 8)
    bin2 = Right(nBin & bin2, 8)
    For x = 1 To 8
        If Mid(bin1, x, 1) = "1" And Mid(bin2, x, 1) = "1" Then
            Mid(nBin, x, 1) = "1"
        End If
    AbinAnd = nBin
End Function

' cidr2mask
' Parameter -- cidr as a string -- decimal from 1 to 31
' Return the mask equivalent of the cidr in dotted format

Public Function cidr2mask(cidr As String) As String
'converts the cidr bits to the subnet mask
    Dim BuildBin As String
    Dim octet(3) As String
    Dim x, y As Byte
    Dim cCtr As Byte
    cCtr = CByte(cidr)
    For x = 0 To 3
        BuildBin = ""
        For y = 1 To 8
            If cCtr > 0 Then
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "1"
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "0"
            End If
            If cCtr > 0 Then
                cCtr = cCtr - 1
            End If
        octet(x) = Bin2Dec(BuildBin)
    cidr2mask = Join(octet, ".")
End Function

' subnetID
'Given a subnet address in cidr format return the subnetID in dotted format
Public Function subnetID(subnet As String) As String
    Dim BuildBin As String
    Dim Parts As Variant
    Dim octet As Variant
    Dim Mask(3) As String
    Dim x, y As Byte
    Dim cCtr As Byte
    'split address and cidr
    On Error Resume Next
    Parts = Split(subnet, "/")
    octet = Split(Parts(0), ".")
    cCtr = CByte(Parts(1))
    'load mask octets
    For x = 0 To 3
        BuildBin = ""
        For y = 1 To 8
            If cCtr > 0 Then
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "1"
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "0"
            End If
            If cCtr > 0 Then
                cCtr = cCtr - 1
            End If
        Mask(x) = BuildBin
    'convert ip octets to binary string
    For x = 0 To 3
        octet(x) = Dec2Bin(octet(x))
    'AND Binary Expressions.

    For x = 0 To 3
        octet(x) = Bin2Dec(AbinAnd(Mask(x), octet(x)))

    subnetID = Join(octet, ".")
End Function

' broadcaseIP
'given a subnet in cidr format return the broadcast address in dotted format
Public Function broadcastIP(subnet As String) As String
    Dim BuildBin As String
    Dim Parts As Variant
    Dim octet As Variant
    Dim Mask(3) As String
    Dim IPBin As String
    Dim x, y As Byte
    Dim cCtr As Byte
    'split address and cidr
    On Error Resume Next
    Parts = Split(subnet, "/")
    octet = Split(Parts(0), ".")
    cCtr = CByte(Parts(1))
    'convert ip octets to binary string
    For x = 0 To 3
        octet(x) = Right("00000000" & Dec2Bin(octet(x)), 8)

    'Create Full IP as Binary
    IPBin = Join(octet, "")
    BuildBin = ""
    For x = 1 To 32
        If x <= cCtr Then
            BuildBin = BuildBin & Mid(IPBin, x, 1)
            BuildBin = BuildBin & "1"
        End If

    Mask(0) = Bin2Dec(Mid(BuildBin, 1, 8))
    Mask(1) = Bin2Dec(Mid(BuildBin, 9, 8))
    Mask(2) = Bin2Dec(Mid(BuildBin, 17, 8))
    Mask(3) = Bin2Dec(Mid(BuildBin, 25, 8))
    broadcastIP = Join(Mask, ".")
End Function

' lowestIP
' Parameter subnet in cidr format as a string
' Return the lowest usable ip in a cidr range

Public Function lowestIP(ByVal subnet As String) As String
    Dim BuildBin As String
    Dim Parts As Variant
    Dim octet As Variant
    Dim Mask(3) As String
    Dim x, y As Byte
    Dim cCtr As Byte
    'split address and cidr
    Parts = Split(subnet, "/")
    octet = Split(Parts(0), ".")
    cCtr = CByte(Parts(1))
    'load mask octets
    For x = 0 To 3
        BuildBin = ""
        For y = 1 To 8
            If cCtr > 0 Then
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "1"
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "0"
            End If
            If cCtr > 0 Then
                cCtr = cCtr - 1
            End If
        Mask(x) = BuildBin
    'convert ip octets to binary string
    For x = 0 To 3
        octet(x) = Dec2Bin(octet(x))

    'AND Binary Expressions.
    'convert octets to masked octets
    For x = 0 To 3
        octet(x) = Bin2Dec(AbinAnd(Mask(x), octet(x)))

    BuildBin = Right("00000000" & Dec2Bin(octet(3)), 8)
    Mid(BuildBin, 8, 1) = "1"
    octet(3) = Bin2Dec(BuildBin)
    lowestIP = Join(octet, ".")

End Function

' highestIP
' Parameter subnet in cidr format as a string
' Return highest usable IP for given cidr
Public Function highestIP(subnet As String) As String
    Dim BuildBin As String
    Dim Parts As Variant
    Dim octet As Variant
    Dim Mask(3) As String
    Dim IPBin As String
    Dim x, y As Byte
    Dim cCtr As Byte
    'split address and cidr
    Parts = Split(subnet, "/")
    octet = Split(Parts(0), ".")
    cCtr = CByte(Parts(1))
    'load mask octets
    For x = 0 To 3
        BuildBin = ""
        For y = 1 To 8
            If cCtr > 0 Then
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "1"
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "0"
            End If
            If cCtr > 0 Then
                cCtr = cCtr - 1
            End If
        Mask(x) = BuildBin
    'convert ip octets to binary string
    For x = 0 To 3
        octet(x) = Dec2Bin(octet(x))

    'AND Binary Expressions.
    'convert octets to masked octets
    For x = 0 To 3
        octet(x) = Right("00000000" & AbinAnd(Mask(x), octet(x)), 8)
    IPBin = Join(octet, "")
    BuildBin = ""

    cCtr = CByte(Parts(1))
    For x = 1 To 32
        If x &lf;= cCtr Then
            BuildBin = BuildBin & Mid(IPBin, x, 1)
            If x = 32 Then
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "0"
                BuildBin = BuildBin & "1"
            End If
        End If
    Mask(0) = Bin2Dec(Mid(BuildBin, 1, 8))
    Mask(1) = Bin2Dec(Mid(BuildBin, 9, 8))
    Mask(2) = Bin2Dec(Mid(BuildBin, 17, 8))
    Mask(3) = Bin2Dec(Mid(BuildBin, 25, 8))
    highestIP = Join(Mask, ".")
End Function

' IP2Long
' Parameter -- IP in dotted format as a string
' Return - decimal equivalent as a double
' VBA does not have an unsigned long :(
Public Function IP2Long(ByVal IP As String) As Double
         Dim IPLong As Double
         Dim IPpart As Variant
         Dim IPbyte(4) As Double

         IPpart = Split(IP, ".")
         Dim x As Byte
         For x = 0 To 3
             IPbyte(x) = CByte(IPpart(x))
         IPLong = ((IPbyte(0) * (256 ^ 3)) + (IPbyte(1) * (256 ^ 2)) + (IPbyte(2) * 256) + IPbyte(3))

         IP2Long = IPLong
End Function

' Long2IP
' Parameter Decimal value of the IP as a double
' Return dotted representation of the IP as a string

Public Function Long2IP(ByVal LongIP As Double) As String
         Dim ByteIP(4) As String
         Dim x As Byte
         Dim IP As String

         If LongIP < 4294967296# And LongIP >= 0 Then
             ByteIP(0) = Fix(LongIP / (256 ^ 3))
             ByteIP(1) = Fix(((LongIP - (ByteIP(0) * (256 ^ 3))) / (256 ^ 2)))
             ByteIP(2) = Fix(((LongIP - (ByteIP(0) * (256 ^ 3)) - (ByteIP(1) * (256 ^ 2))) / 256))
             ByteIP(3) = ((LongIP - (ByteIP(0) * (256 ^ 3)) - (ByteIP(1) * (256 ^ 2)) - (ByteIP(2) * 256)))
             IP = ByteIP(0) & "." & ByteIP(1) & "." & ByteIP(2) & "." & ByteIP(3)
             Long2IP = IP
             Long2IP = -1
         End If
  End Function