Forensics Help

This is a module I created with PowerShell Help and common functions I use when doing Computer Forensics

The help file contains the following topics:

Module Help
Error handling
Object Creation
File Manipulation
Data Manipulation

The functions it contains are:

df -- Show disk free space
get-eventlogs -- Process windows event logs
split-csv -- Break up long csv into chunks that fit in Excel
        $splitrecs = 1,200,000 - number of records per file - can be changed
get-linuxlogs -- Process Linux event logs
get-utmp -- Convert UTMP,BTMP,WTMP Linux files
convert-IIStoCSV - Read IIS logs and convert them to csv files
get-ipfromfile -- Pull IP addresses from a text file
convert-base64 -- convert base64 encoded string
convert-bashHistory -- Convert bash history files with date/times to human readable
get-IISWebShell -- NSA routine looking for web shells
get-ipgeo -- IP Geolocation using either or ip-geolocation
get-teamslog -- reads recent history from Microsoft Teams
**File handling routines using dot net routines for speed.**
out-UTF8 -- outputs file in UTF8 no BOM -- always appends.
join-files -- appends one file to another
split-file -- splits a file by line into smaller sizes
        $splitsize initially set to 500,000,000 bytes but can be changed
count-lines -- counts the lines in a file
sort-file -- sort the lines in a file
remove-duplicates -- remove duplicates from a file
get-fileEncoding -- reads the bom of a file to get the encoding
open-matches -- opens the files found with sls  


Open PowerShell as administrator in the directory where the ForensicHelp directory resides and run

import-module ForensicsHelp -force

The code for the module can be found at