====== MySql Cheat Sheet ====== Created Monday 03 April 2017 show processlist; kill 2; create database hashes; use hashes; create table hashpass (hash varchar(100), pass varchar(100), hashtype varchar(20), index hash (hash)); load data local infile 'z:/powershell/hashcat.pot' into table hashpass fields terminated by ':' lines terminated by '\n'; load data local infile 'f:/temp/hashpass1.txt' ignore into table hashpass fields terminated by ':' lines terminated by '\n'; create index hash on hashpass (hash); alter table hashpass add HashType varchar(20); update hashpass set HashType = 'sha1' where length(hash) = 40; update hashpass set HashType = 'md5' where length(hash) = 32; select * from hashpass where length(hash) = 40; ALTER TABLE hashpass MODIFY pass VARCHAR(50); ALTER TABLE hashpass MODIFY hash VARCHAR(100); load data local infile 'z:/powershell/hashcat.pot' into table hashpass fields terminated by ':' lines terminated by '\n'; update hashpass set HashType = 'sha1' where length(hash) = 40; update hashpass set HashType = 'md5' where length(hash) = 32; use myspace; create table hashonly (hash varchar(50), index hash (hash)); load data local infile 'f:/temp/hashonly.txt' into table hashonly fields terminated by ':' lines terminated by '\r\n'; select hashpass.hash,hashpass.pass INTO OUTFILE 'f:/temp/hashpass.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ':' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' from hashpass join (myspace.hashonly) on (hashpass.hash = myspace.hashonly.hash); select count(distinct hash) from hashpass; INSERT IGNORE INTO `table2` SELECT * FROM `table1`; create table emailhash (id varchar(20), email varchar(100), username varchar(50), hash varchar(100), hash1 varchar(100)); load data local infile 'z:/powershell/Myspace.com.txt' into table emailhash fields terminated by ':' enclosed by "'" lines terminated by '\r\n'; load data local infile 'e:/test.txt' into table emailhash (@dummy,email,@dummy,hash,@dummy) fields terminated by ':' enclosed by "'" lines terminated by '\r\n' (email,hash); load data local infile 'e:/myspace.com.txt' into table emailhash fields terminated by ':' enclosed by "'" lines terminated by '\r\n' (@dummy,email,@dummy,hash,@dummy); create index hash on emailhash (hash); SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; SET SESSION tx_isolation='REPEATABLE-READ'; select aminno_member_email.email, member_login.password from aminno_member_email join member_login on aminno_member_email.pnum = member_login.pnum INTO OUTFILE 'f:/temp/emailhash.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ':' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'; select table_name, table_rows from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'idhash'; GRANT ALL ON scan.* to 'nmap'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; show warnings instead of errors on import set @@sql_mode='no_engine_substitution';